Happy New Year 2023 MOTI Busbar Machine

Author:MOTI INDUSTRIALDate:2023-01-01Type:MOTI News

1. Happy New Year 2023 from MOTI INDUSTRIAL Group greeting

In our persistence and helplessness, we sent away 2022, leaving behind basically anxiety, confusion, pain and helplessness. 

Almost without exception! Facing the approaching 2023, the road ahead is still not smooth, but we must move forward. 

The cold winter is not over, and spring is still approaching. Forge ahead and seek changes as opportunities arise. 

Opportunities are brewed amidst difficulties, and smooth transitions are made at the end. 

There is no sunset industry, only sunset enterprises. Brothers and sisters, in 2023 Happy New Year, strive for progress amidst changes, you and I move forward!

MOTI Busbar Machine 2023-01-01 1000.webp

2. MOTI CNC Busbar Processing Machine

Professional MOTI CNC Busbar Machine is designed in order to facilitate punching & cutting Busbars at high speed with high precision.

This MOTI busbar bending machine is equipped with cutting punching and bending three stations in one machine ( 3 I n 1 ) and 

could handle busbars a width of 250mm with a thickness of 16mm

CNC Busbar Processing Machine

CNC controllers of MOTI Busbar Processing Machine provide a wide range of different sizes of holes punching in the shortest time with high accuracy.

Extreme durability and unrivaled speed characterize the professional production line

The machine is fully automated once the production process is launched.

Busbar Bending Machine 2023
