Happy Dragon Boat Festival

Author:motiDate:2022-06-02Type:MOTI News

Happy Dragon Boat Festival From MOTI INDUSTRIAL Greeting

Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanyang Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Chongwu Festival, Tianzhong Festival, etc., 

It is a folk festival that integrates worshiping gods and ancestors, praying for blessings and warding off evil spirits, celebrating entertainment and eating.

Dragon Boat Festival customs

1. Eat Zongzi. 

Zongzi was originally used for sacrifice. In order to prevent the fish in the river from eating the body of Doctor Qu Yuan of Chu State. 

Zongzi was thrown into the water, and later it gradually became a traditional food of the Dragon Boat Festival.

2. Dragon boat racing. 

Dragon boat racing is now not only a folk custom, but also a formal sports competition, 

which is very popular in many ethnic minority areas and the Yangtze River Basin.

3. Order realgar wine. 

Soak realgar in wine, and then put realgar wine on people's foreheads, ears, noses, palms, etc., 

hoping to stay away from poisonous insects to eliminate disasters and prevent diseases.

4. Wear a sachet. 

When the Dragon Boat Festival is coming, it is a good decoration for children to wear sachets or purses to ward off evil spirits and stay away from plagues.

5. Hang wormwood. 

During the Dragon Boat Festival, people like to hang wormwood on both sides of the gate, 

which means to eliminate diseases, drive away bad luck, and bring blessings to the health of the family and good luck.

6. Tie colorful ropes. 

In ancient times, five-colored colors were considered auspicious colors, so on the Dragon Boat Festival, 

five-colored ropes were used to tie children's wrists, ankles or necks to symbolize the elimination of disasters, avoid diseases, and live a long and safe life.

Happy Dragon Boat Festival 2022 from MOTI Busbar Machine Greeting 1000x800.webp
