MOTI busbar machine shipped to Vietnam !

Author:ZoeyDate:2021-01-12Type:MOTI News

Vietnam’s "Vietnam Economic Times" reported on December 22: Vietnam’s power industry investment demand will exceed US$133 billion from 2021 to 2030, and reach more than US$184 billion from 2031 to 2045.


According to the report, according to Vietnam's power development plan, Vietnam's power load is expected to maintain high growth from 2021 to 2030, about 8.6% in 2021-2025, and about 7.2% in 2026-2030. It is estimated that by 2030, the total installed capacity of Vietnam Power will increase by nearly 80,000 megawatts compared to 2020. According to Vietnams Ministry of Industry and Trade, Vietnam’s power shortage will be approximately 6.6 billion kWh in 2021, 11.8 billion kWh in 2022, and a peak of 13 billion kWh in 2023. To make up for this gap, it is estimated that between now and 2030, Vietnam's annual investment demand for new power plants will reach more than US$12 billion.


MOTI Industry always receives inquiries from Vietnam and wants to buy MOTI busbar machine. HUYNH LAI sees our busbar processing machine and thinks it is very suitable for their company, so they directly purchase MOTI busbar machine. We thank HUYNH LAI company Trust in MOTI Industry.

MOTI busbar machine shipped to Vietnam !(图1)
