Author:MOTI INDUSTRIALDate:2023-06-21Type:MOTI News

Today, we sent to 16 sets of punch dies for CNC Busbar Processing Machine.

We have the complete production line for all parts for CNC Busbar Processing Machine.

Good quality and good price for the punch dies and has been recognized by more and more customers.

1 Which model and which company of Punch Dies for CNC Busbar Machine?

This Vietnam client purchased the JPMX-303ESK from JINGPENG Machinery company before 5 years ago.

This is the fourth time to place the punch dies for Busbar Machine to us.

And, we can customize the different size and shaped punching dies for different company.

Our punch dies can be used for Lijian Busbar Machine, Gaoji Busbar Machine,JINGPENG Busbar Macine, etc.

2 Vietnamese customers' favorite punching dies for CNC Busbar Machine

We sent many sets of CNC Busbar Machine to Vietnam, most of Vietnamese clients chose this punch dies.

3 We can customize punching dies for CNC Busbar Machine

Please tell us your required size and shaped or drawing of punch dies for CNC Busbar Machine

We can provide a good solution for you later.

Punch Dies for CNC Busbar Machine 2023-06-24.jpg

4 Package of Punch Dies for CNC Busbar Machine 

Punch Molds for CNC Busbar Machine_202306212359171000.webp

Busbar Machine Punch Dies_202306212359021000.webp